Which jurisdiction? Choosing where to litigate

A jurisdictional overview of the world’s court systems

2 min read

A competitive world: Modernisation and innovation in the courts

With ongoing advances in technology and communications, the number of contracting parties looking beyond their local jurisdiction when choosing a dispute resolution forum continues to grow

It is easier than ever for contracting parties to look beyond their home jurisdiction when choosing a dispute resolution forum. The growth in the international disputes market has forced countries’ courts into competition with one another, and contracting parties who have had a negative experience in one jurisdiction can simply select an alternative.

Against this backdrop, we examine the differences in approach of eleven jurisdictions, providing an at-a-glance overview of the key features of each jurisdiction, as well as more detailed examination of key elements of the court system, including judicial process, costs and disclosure obligations.

Our comparative table includes jurisdictions with established popularity such as England and Wales, and the US, those whose popularity has increased rapidly over the last decade or so, such as Singapore and Hong Kong, and those currently making concerted efforts to increase their share of the international disputes market, such as the Dubai International Financial Centre.

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